Wortice solutions for the generation of energy from biomass

In today's world, research and development of more efficient methods of generating energy has been a constant search for the planet to be even more sustainable. Therefore, the generation of energy from biomass has gained relevance and predominance.

In this aspect, Brazil is privileged, since the generation of energy from biomass is sourced from organic matter that is abundant in the country due to its large arable area. That's why Wortice, a company with professionals with over 40 years of experience and high technology in steam turbines , specializes in generating energy from biomass and brings the best solutions.

What is biomass?

Before dealing with biomass power generation and the modern Wortice solutions for the steam turbines used in the process, it is important to highlight some points about what biomass is.

In general, we can say that biomass is all organic waste and also urban and agricultural waste. See below how easy it is to understand for what purpose each waste is destined:


  1. For power generation for boilers
  • rice husk
  • chestnut shell
  • sugarcane bagasse


  1. for fuel generation
  • cassava and other oils


  1. biogas
  • urban and agricultural waste

From uselessness to protagonism

As you can see, the generation of energy from biomass gives meaning to by- products that were previously considered inert and that are abundant. What was thrown away is now an important part of a large chain that tends to grow and gain prominence.

It is estimated that there are over two trillion tons of waste that can be used to generate energy from biomass .


For the generation of energy from biomass to be carried out with accuracy and efficiency, it is important to count on companies that are specialized in offering high-level equipment, engineering, parts, components and maintenance: you can find all this at Wortice, a company with professionals who work in the industry for over 40 years.

How does biomass power generation happen?

Organic waste, urban and agricultural waste can be used in the generation of biomass energy, an efficient and modern system is in action, in which the use of steam turbines plays an important role.

We can say that the generation of energy from biomass is similar to a thermoelectric plant, burning the raw material and converting the heat of this process into energy. But keep in mind that generating energy from biomass is much cheaper and less harmful to the environment compared to burning fossil fuels.

Where are the plants?

Biomass power generation plants are present in the South, Southeast and Northeast regions. In all, the country has more than 400 units that produce clean and sustainable energy, giving Brazil more energy security and expanding renewable capacity, which is already the hallmark of our system.


It is within this context of biomass power generation that Wortice solutions were developed by the Process and Maintenance engineering teams . Contact us right now and understand why Wortice is a reference in the steam turbine market for the generation of energy from biomass.

What is the role of the steam turbine in the generation of biomass energy?

In order for us to have clean and renewable energy as the final product in a plant that uses biomass as raw material, an efficient and modern system has to be put into operation. Within this park, steam turbines play an important role so that biomass power generation can take place.

In a biomass power plant , steam turbines are responsible for harnessing and directing the steam produced in the combustion of waste and waste so that it is converted into electrical energy.

Wortice is a reference in steam turbines for generating energy from biomass, not only in their maintenance, but also in the entire planning, production and operation process.

Where can we find steam turbines for biomass power generation

The generation of energy from biomass tends to grow in Brazil. The countless possibilities and cost reduction with the creation of new technologies is a set that puts the country at the forefront.

It is within this context that Wortice solutions of steam turbines for generating energy from biomass are inserted and are presented for any applications throughout the national territory.

Our differences

Wortice is a reference in steam turbines for generating energy from biomass, because we have:


  • Professionals with over 40 years of experience in the field
  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week emergency call
  • Technical team available for on-site assistance
  • Factory and Team available 24 hours a day
  • 100% Brazilian technology
  • Environmental & Social Responsibility

Contact our professionals with over 40 years of experience in steam turbines right now and learn how we can help your venture in generating energy from biomass.

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