Wortice Pattern " Meet the Wortice way of being

Have you ever stopped to think or have you ever asked yourself about the way companies are?

Have you ever stopped to think or have you ever asked yourself about the way companies are?

Probably so, because the culture of a company is the sum of all shared certainties, it is the reason and influencer for the way of thinking, acting and feeling of each person who shares their hours of life, efforts and dreams.

Wortice’s work

Wortice’s work

At Wortice we have a unique way of being that makes us feel special, we believe that it is built on a daily basis with simplicity, joy, energy and the qualities of each employee on our team.

Wortice Standard

In our factory we have a sentence that is part of the routine of our employees, which is: " Wortice Standard ", it means that every job is well done and Wortice Standard, that is different. Even a good friend can be a friend “ Wortice Pattern”, the hallmark of our culture, what makes us feel special and unique and at the same time the “pattern” that characterizes us as equals.


Wortice Standard is the result of work carried out with passion, in which every detail was valued even in complex challenges, the quality was raised to the highest level of demand, because this is our commitment and this is how we do it and we feel good through it. The quality lies in the simple, efficient and cost-effective processes, our sophistication is in the pride that each employee has for working at Wortice and this makes our professionals special.

Dream of being Wortice

Dream of being Wortice

Wortice started from the dream of creating a company specialized in quality services whose main pillar is total excellence in the service dedicated to each customer, we want to provide satisfaction for everyone involved in our production process and this dream unites us, we know that our equipment will take energy and bring more life, security, development and joy to people.

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Work at Wórtice

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