Privacy Policy

By having access to any content, information, marketing material, marketing campaign, advertising, advertising, website and any and all communication channels of Wortice, you are completely agreeing to all items mentioned herein.

Wortice Privacy Policy

Wortice (Wortice Maintenance in Steam Turbines LTDA) is committed to protecting your privacy. The purpose of this page is to clarify what information is collected, in what way and for what purpose We collect and use some personal data that belongs to those who use our website. In doing so, we work as the controller of this data and are subject to the provisions of Federal Law n. 13.709/2018 (General Personal Data Protection Law - LGPD).

Collected data

In our communication channels, information is collected in the following ways:

Data provided

We collect personally identifiable information – such as name, telephone number, e-mail, company you work for and position held – by filling in the forms or directly contacting Wortice by phone or social media. Eventually, requests for some information may be made through Wortice’s direct contact with users via email or telephone. Some additional information may be requested for analysis and marketing strategies and/or providing personalized quotations.

Navigation data

When you visit our website, a 'cookie' is placed in your browser via a Google Analytics tool to identify how many times you return to our website. Information such as IP address, geographic location, referral source, browser type, duration of visit, pages visited and user behavior on the website is collected anonymously. The collection of browsing data takes place when the user takes actions within the website

The user may oppose the registration of cookies by the website, simply by deactivating this option in their own browser. More information on how to do this in some of the main browsers used today can be accessed from the following links :

Internet Explorer:




Google Chrome:


Mozilla Firefox:




The deactivation of cookies, however, may affect the availability of some tools and functionalities of the website, compromising their correct and expected functioning. Another possible consequence is the removal of user preferences that may have been saved, harming your experience.


Store all information about all contacts already interacted with Wortice

Collection of data not expressly provided for

Eventually, other types of data not expressly provided for in this Privacy Policy may be collected, provided they are provided with the user's consent, or even if the collection is allowed on the basis of another legal basis provided for by law.

In any case, the data collection and the resulting processing activities will be informed to the users of the website.

How long will your personal data be stored?

The personal data collected by the website is stored and used for a period of time that corresponds to what is required to meet the purposes listed in this document and that considers the rights of its holders, the rights of the website controller and the applicable legal or regulatory provisions.

Once the storage periods for personal data have expired, they are rerun from our databases or anonymized, except in cases where there is a possibility or need for storage due to legal or regulatory provisions.

Use of personal information

This term allows Wortice to use all your personal information for different purposes, such as:

  • The user can acquire our products and services;
  • The user can receive some type of free content;
  • The user can receive offers and promotions;
  • The user contacts our support;
  • Customize the user experience;
  • Ensure the safety of users and customers;

The e-mail address can be used for the operation of sending material or information.

It can also be used to send Newsletters.

E-mail can be used to communicate the launch of new content or new solutions by Wortice and its partners. However, the user can unsubscribe at any time.

Employees and Representatives of Wortice may occasionally contact us via email, WhatsApp or telephone to carry out research or offer products and services.

Testimonials, ratings and comments about our products and services shared in our communication channels may be used and disseminated in marketing campaigns.

Data access

Wortice’s employees, employees, representatives and suppliers may have access to the data No private data may be publicly disclosed, except under the conditions mentioned in these terms.

Wortice undertakes not to sell, rent or pass on information. The only exception is in cases where this information is legally required.

Sharing personal data with third parties

We do not share your personal data with third parties. Despite this, it’s possible that we do so to comply with some legal or regulatory determination, or even to comply with an order issued by a public authority.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data

A legal basis for the processing of personal data is nothing more than a legal basis, provided for by law, which justifies it. Thus, each personal data processing operation must have a corresponding legal basis.

We process the personal data of our users in the following cases:

  • With the consent of the holder of the personal data
  • For the performance of a contract or preliminary procedures related to a contract to which the data subject is a party, at the request of the data subject
  • When required to meet the legitimate interests of the controller or third party


Certain personal data processing operations carried out on our website will depend on the prior consent of the user, who must express it freely, informed and unequivocally.

The user may revoke their consent at any time, and if there is no legal hypothesis that allows or requires the storage of data, the data provided by consent will be deleted.

In addition, if desired, the user may not consent to any processing of personal data based on consent. In these cases, however, it’s possible that you will not be able to use some functionality of the website that depends on that operation. The consequences of the lack of consent for a specific activity are informed prior to the treatment.

Contract execution

For the execution of the purchase and sale contract or the provision of services eventually signed between the website and the user, other data related or necessary for its execution may be collected and stored, including the content of any communications with the user.

Legitimate interest

For certain personal data processing operations, we trust exclusively on our legitimate interest. To find out more about in which cases we specifically use this legal basis, or for more information about the tests we do to make sure we can use it, please contact our Personal Data Protection Officer at one of the channels informed in this Privacy Policy, in the section "How to contact us ".[ F1]

User rights

The website user has the following rights, granted by the Personal Data Protection Act:

  • Confirmation of the existence of treatment;
  • Data access;
  • Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
  • Anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or processed data in violation of the provisions of the law;
  • Data portability to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulation of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;
  • Deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, except in cases provided for by law;
  • Information from public and private entities with which the controller made shared use of data;
  • Information about the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of denial;
  • Revocation of consent.

It’s important to note that, under the GPLD, there is no right to delete data processed on the basis of legal bases other than consent, unless the data is unnecessary, excessive or treated in breach of the law.

To ensure that the user who intends to exercise their rights is, in fact, the holder of the personal data object of the request, we may request documents or other information that can assist in their correct identification, in order to protect our rights and the rights of third parties. This will only be done, however, if absolutely necessary, and the applicant will receive all related information.

Unsubscribing and changing/deleting data

You can request not to receive emails from Wortice

In every email we send there is always an unsubscribe link available in the last few lines. By clicking on this link, you will be automatically unsubscribed from the list.

There may be errors, failures and even if you have canceled your subscription, you may receive new communications. If this occurs, contact Wortice by e-mail communicating what happened.

Email will be reinserted to the list. Therefore, the cancellation request must be made again, if it’s of interest to you.

To change your data, delete them from our database, or find out what their respective uses were, just send an email to detailing your request.

Security measures in the processing of personal data

We employ technical and organizational measures capable of protecting personal data from unauthorized access and from situations of destruction, loss, misplacement or alteration of such data.

The measures we use take into account the nature of the data, the context and purpose of the treatment, the risks that a possible violation would generate for the user's rights and freedoms, and the standards currently used in the market by companies similar to ours.

Among the security measures adopted by us, we highlight the following:

  • Our users' data is stored in a secure environment;
  • We limit access to our users' data so that unauthorized third parties cannot access it;
  • We keep records of all those who have, in some way, contact with our data.

Although it uses everything within its power to avoid security incidents, it’s possible that a problem occurs exclusively motivated by a third party - such as in the case of attacks by hackers or crackers, or even in the case of the exclusive fault of the user, who occurs, for example, when he himself transfers his data to a third party. Thus, although we are, in general, responsible for the personal data we process, we are exempt from liability in the event of an exceptional situation such as these, over which we have no control whatsoever.

In any case, in the event of any type of security incident that may generate relevant risk or damage to any of our users, we will communicate the affected parties and the National Data Protection Authority about the event, in accordance with the provisions of the General Protection Law of Data.

Changes to the privacy policy

Wortice reserves the right to make changes and updates to these terms without any prior notice, by means of communication on Wortice website We recommend the user to visit this page daily to be aware of the changes.

This privacy policy was updated on: February 12, 2021.

Contact, Questions, clarifications and requests

Any questions, clarifications or requests can be communicated by contacting us.


Address: Argentina Grillo Badia, 960, Distrito Industrial - CINEP, Sertãozinho, São Paulo, zip code: 14170-500

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